
Easily utilisable analytics provide a competition advantage

The market and operating environment is changing quicker than ever before. Information is obtained from various sources which means that data processing methods must be agile and concrete and they must be time-saving. Time consuming data processing methods are a thing of the past and slow down business.

We offer analytics services that provide information in an easy-to-adopt and analysable manner. We visualise information, so that it would be quicker and easier for you to utilise information and on its basis, make timely decisions in the right direction.

We help you develop your business with our analytics services: we guide, analyse and help you utilise the new information.

Scalable analytics services

Our analytics services can be easily scaled according to your company’s needs, situations and schedules. They also adapt to different stages of your solution’s life cycle.

Remion Analytiikka

Proactive analytics

We help you analyse the type and format of information that you need. You will receive a sufficiently large amount of data that consists of the correct and quality data that you need for the support of your business.

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Regatta Device


With the help of our solutions, you can monitor your equipment and obtain information in a clear format, which is beneficial to you in everyday production management and decision-making.

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Remion Paikkatietoanalyysi

Location data

We visualise, combine and classify data obtained from several data sources in order to solve a certain challenge of yours. You will also obtain new information on overlaps and connections of subjects.

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Analytics boost growth

We support our domestic and international customers with our analytics services. With the help of data obtained from analytics, they develop their own business and the services offered to their partners.


Our aim in the near future is to develop a vessel, which can be completely remote-controlled from land.


Benefits of our service

Business development

Utilise analytics in the development of business, new services and concepts as well as relevant decision-making.

Achieving objectives

Analytics help identify methods that make production more efficient, maximise profits and optimise usability.

Optimisation of operations

By utilising location data, you can scale and optimise operations, processes, and even create completely new services around location data.

Support for decision-making

The data obtained from analytics makes decision-making easier – decisions do not need to be made on the basis of incomplete or inaccurate data.

Analysed pre-data

Proactive analytics allow you to obtain analysed, fact-based data for business decisions and agile trials.

Reliable forecasting

Data obtained from remote monitoring helps to identify maintenance needs and predict errors, which allows the forecasting of operations and the prevention of errors in a timely manner.

Are you interested? Please contact us.


Jussi Rajamäki

Sales Lead

+358 46 923 5277

Jukka Kivimäki

Chief Executive Officer

+358 44 280 9221